Showing posts with label Healthy Bones. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Healthy Bones. Show all posts

Tuesday, 30 October 2018

What are the benefits of eating Green Peas?

Green Peas are the tiny spherical seeds that rest inside the green seed-pod. It is widely cultivated in semi-tropical regions around the world. Peas or green peas, scientifically called as Pisum sativum. Green peas are seeds that come from a legume plant, but they are most often consumed as a starchy vegetable. Green peas are also known as ‘Matar’ in Hindi, ‘Batani’ in Telugu, ‘Pattani’ in Tamil, ‘Pacha Pattani’ in Malayalam, ‘Vatana’ in Gujarati, ‘Moator’ in Bengali, and ‘Mattar’ in Marathi.

They are not just tasty but also possess many nutrients that make them a compulsory ingredient in your vegetable diet. People often assume them as an inexpensive green vegetable growing on the peas plant, is an ingredient that is served or used for garnishing in cheap restaurants. 

Health Benefits Of Green Peas:

Weight Loss: Peas are a low fat and a low calorie food type. Hence, they are mostly included in vegetarian as well as non-vegetarian diets, due to the ease in managing the body weight.

Diabetes: Green peas have a few characteristics that are known to aid blood sugar control, which is an important factor in preventing and controlling diabetes.

Healthy bones: Just one cup of peas contain 44% of your Vitamin K which helps to anchor calcium inside the bones. It’s B vitamins also help to prevent osteoporosis.

Good for Eye health: Peas can also do wonders to your eyes. Peas are packed with carotenoid pigment lutein. Lutein is known to reduce the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration or loss of vision in old age. Peas can also boost eyesight. 

Good Source of Iron: Peas are a good source of iron. Iron deficiency is the leading cause of anaemia. If you don't have enough iron, your body can't make enough healthy oxygen-carrying red blood cells thereby causing haemoglobin deficiency.

Stomach Cancer: These tiny ingredients in your plate have the capacity to prevent dreadful diseases like stomach cancer.

Green peas are one of the most nutritious leguminous vegetables rich in health promoting phytonutrients, minerals, vitamins and antioxidants.

Vitamin Content: Peas benefit your immune system with antioxidant vitamins, especially if you eat them raw. A cup of raw peas has 58 milligrams of vitamin C, providing 65 percent of the daily requirement for men and 77 percent for women.

Boosts your Energy: Eating peas will increase your energy levels because of its richness in Iron. A cup of pea provides 3 milligram of Iron that works positively in transporting oxygen to the entirety of the body.

What are green beans good for health?

Friday, 28 September 2018

Health benefits of onions

Onions are a super food, a gift of nature. Onions are part of the allium family of vegetables and herbs, which also includes chives, garlic, scallions, and leeks. Allium vegetables have been cultivated for centuries for their characteristic, pungent flavors and for their medicinal properties. Onions are cultivated and consumed across the world. The onion plant has bluish-green leaves, and the bulb at the base begins to swell after a certain period. There are many varieties that can be used in different ways; green onions can be sprinkled on top of any savory dish. Onions can vary in size, shape, color, and flavor. The most common types are red, yellow, and white onions. Flavors can be sweet and juicy to sharp, spicy, and pungent, often depending on the season in which they are grown and consumed.

Benefits of Eating Onions Everyday
Heart Health: The flavonoids in red onions can contribute to heart health.  Onions are also rich in organosulfurs, which can help prevent heart disease.

Onions scavenge free radicals, thereby reducing your risk of developing gastric ulcers.

Those bright green tops of green onions are rich in Vitamin A, so do use them often.

Regulating blood sugar: The sulfur in onions helps lower blood sugar by triggering increased insulin production.

Chewing raw onions improve our oral health (though your breath may stink). They help eliminate bacteria that can lead to tooth decay and gum issues.

Nutrition: Onions are a nutrient-dense food, meaning that while they are low in calories, they are high in beneficial nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

The phytochemicals in onions along with their vitamin C help improve immunity.

Relieve Cough and Cold Symptoms: When suffering from a cough or flu virus, we often brew teas to find some solace. Onion juice added to honey can also be taken to help reduce any swelling in your throat.

Digestion: The fiber in onions promotes good digestion and helps keep you regular. Additionally, onions contain a special type of soluble fiber called oligofructose, which promotes good bacteria growth in your intestines.

Healthy Bones: Onions can be helpful in treating bone loss as they have been found to contain growth plate chondrocytes. They also have the compounds that help rebuild connective tissue.

Keep a small piece of onion under the nostrils and inhale, to stop or slow down a nose bleed.

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