Custard Apple is a sweet and very
yummy fruit, which is widely
grown across the world. Custard apple, also known as Seetaphal in
India, is a subtropical fruit belonging to the Annonacea family. The
fruit grows on a small deciduous tree and is known by different names
worldwide. The fruit is around 6 to 8 centimeters in diameter. The
shape of the fruit may be lopsided, irregular, spherical, heart shaped,
or round. It has a creamy and granular textured flesh, surrounded by
seeds. The skin of the fruit is thin and tough, mostly black and green
in colour. It is a good source of a number of compounds like
vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, dietary fibers etc. and the presence of these compounds make them very beneficial for us.
Health Benefits of Custard AppleMagnesium: Magnesium helps to maintain water balance in the body. It is good for arthritic patients by removing acids from joints.
Healthy Weight: Custard apples are good for those who need to gain weight.
Energy Levels: Custard apple is an excellent source of energy. It helps to fight exhaustion and eliminates muscle weakness.
sickness: An excellent source of vitamin B6, custard apple helps you avoid morning sickness.
Natural detoxicant:
The fruit contains natural anti-oxidants that cleanse the body of toxic
waste. The same anti-oxidants help in building a strong immune system.
Vitamin C: Custard apple contains anti-oxidant vitamin C, which fights free radicals thereby preventing diseases.
Vitamin A present in the fruit is good for hair, eyes and healthy skin.
Another important beauty benefits of custard apple are its ability to reduce the risk of various skin cancers.
Heart Attacks:
The magnesium content in custard apples helps defend the heart from
cardiac attack and can help relax the muscles. Moreover, vitamin B6 in
custard apples help prevent homocystein collection which also minimize
the risk of heart