Showing posts with label Weight loss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weight loss. Show all posts

Tuesday, 30 October 2018

What are the benefits of eating Green Peas?

Green Peas are the tiny spherical seeds that rest inside the green seed-pod. It is widely cultivated in semi-tropical regions around the world. Peas or green peas, scientifically called as Pisum sativum. Green peas are seeds that come from a legume plant, but they are most often consumed as a starchy vegetable. Green peas are also known as ‘Matar’ in Hindi, ‘Batani’ in Telugu, ‘Pattani’ in Tamil, ‘Pacha Pattani’ in Malayalam, ‘Vatana’ in Gujarati, ‘Moator’ in Bengali, and ‘Mattar’ in Marathi.

They are not just tasty but also possess many nutrients that make them a compulsory ingredient in your vegetable diet. People often assume them as an inexpensive green vegetable growing on the peas plant, is an ingredient that is served or used for garnishing in cheap restaurants. 

Health Benefits Of Green Peas:

Weight Loss: Peas are a low fat and a low calorie food type. Hence, they are mostly included in vegetarian as well as non-vegetarian diets, due to the ease in managing the body weight.

Diabetes: Green peas have a few characteristics that are known to aid blood sugar control, which is an important factor in preventing and controlling diabetes.

Healthy bones: Just one cup of peas contain 44% of your Vitamin K which helps to anchor calcium inside the bones. It’s B vitamins also help to prevent osteoporosis.

Good for Eye health: Peas can also do wonders to your eyes. Peas are packed with carotenoid pigment lutein. Lutein is known to reduce the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration or loss of vision in old age. Peas can also boost eyesight. 

Good Source of Iron: Peas are a good source of iron. Iron deficiency is the leading cause of anaemia. If you don't have enough iron, your body can't make enough healthy oxygen-carrying red blood cells thereby causing haemoglobin deficiency.

Stomach Cancer: These tiny ingredients in your plate have the capacity to prevent dreadful diseases like stomach cancer.

Green peas are one of the most nutritious leguminous vegetables rich in health promoting phytonutrients, minerals, vitamins and antioxidants.

Vitamin Content: Peas benefit your immune system with antioxidant vitamins, especially if you eat them raw. A cup of raw peas has 58 milligrams of vitamin C, providing 65 percent of the daily requirement for men and 77 percent for women.

Boosts your Energy: Eating peas will increase your energy levels because of its richness in Iron. A cup of pea provides 3 milligram of Iron that works positively in transporting oxygen to the entirety of the body.

What are green beans good for health?

Monday, 22 October 2018

Impressive Health Benefits of Apricot

Apricot, scientifically known as Prunus armeciaca, is a nutritious fruit belonging to the Rosacea family. Its scientific name is derived from Armenia.  Apricots are small, golden orange colored fruits that belong to the Rosaceae family of fruit trees. Apricots have a velvety skin and flesh. These fruits are not exremely succulent. The seed is also edible and is similar to almonds in taste and appearance.  Apricot is a small tree (8-12 m) and it bears a fruit which is a drupe. This drupe is also known as Apricot that has a color similar to that of a peach. Apricot grows in a tropical continental climate or Mediterranean regions where there is a winter season cold enough. It has a sweet or a tartaric taste.

Amazing Health Benefits of Apricot

Good Source of Vitamin A: Apricots are packed with Vitamin A, which is also known as retinol. It’s fat soluble, and helps in the enhancement of vision, among other things.

Anti-Cancer: Apricots are rich in antioxidants. The carotenoids and antioxidants protect our bodies from the dangerous free radicals and prevent the damage of cells.

Eye health: Foods rich in Vitamin A, C, carotenoids and beta-carotene can help reduce the risk of vision problems.

Strengthens Bones
: Apricots are rich in calcium and phosphorous that provides much-needed strength to your bones.

Good for the Skin: The combination of Vitamin C, A, and phytonutrients ensures good skin.

Heart Health: A high amount of vitamin C, as well as potassium and dietary fiber in apricots contribute to good cardiovascular health.

Fever: Apricot juice is believed to cure fever. Its soothing and anti-inflammatory properties affect the body’s overall temperature, curing fever.

Improves Digestive System: Apricots are rich in dietary fiber that swells in the intestinal tract to relief you from constipation.

Relieves Asthma: It can help to relieve pressure and stress on the lungs and respiratory system, thereby preventing asthma attacks,tuberculosis, and bronchitis.

Weight loss: This low calorie fruit will make an excellent addition to your weight loss regime.

Best Fruits and Vegetables for Better Vision and Healthy Eyes

Friday, 12 October 2018

Amazing Health Benefits of Lady Finger (Bhindi)

Lady finger , also known as okra or gumbo in English and bhindi in Hindi, is a green vegetable that is packed with nutrients. This high fiber vegetable is known for its high soluble and insoluble fiber content. This vegetable is usually used in many recipes and is also a part of many nutritional diets, as it is beneficial to the heart. it can be eaten raw, cooked, or steamed depending on the diet plan. it helps in normalizing blood sugar levels, relieves constipation acts as a respiratory soother.

Okra farming is a moneyproviding crop and can be cultivated through out the year. Okra is member of “Malvaceae” family and its genus is “Abelmoschus”. The texture of this vegetable is quite sticky and tastes very delicious specially when made them fried. In India major okra growing states are basically Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and West Bengal.

Health Benefits of Lady Finger

Vitamin K : Vitamin K is a co-factor in blood-clotting process and also plays a major role in strengthening the bones in our body.

Weight Loss: The low calorie content of Okra and its high fibre content make it a suitable food for weight loss. It provides minimum calories and its high fibre levels help in keeping you full for longer.

Okra is (Lady Finger) good remedy for prevention of skin pigmentation.

Prevents Kidney Diseases: Almost half of the diseases related to kidneys are caused by diabetes. If you take okra regularly in your diet and okra water as well, it will help prevent kidney diseases.

Rich Fiber
: Okra’s rich fiber content helps in better digestion, and regularization of bowels. The soluble fiber, Pectin, swells up in the intestine and helps in easier elimination of the wastes from the intestine.

Asthma: People diagnosed with asthma are strongly suggested to consume Okra.

Improves immunity: Another important benefit of lady finger is that it contains Vitamin C which helps in improving immunity.

Cholesterol: This vegetable ensures lesser absorption of cholesterol preventing heart diseases and ailments occurring due to cholesterol in the blood.

A complete health-based newspaper

Monday, 8 October 2018

Surprising Health Benefits of Brinjal (Eggplants)

Brinjal, known as baingan in Hindi,Known as the King of Vegetables. Brinjal or Eggplant is extremely high on essential nutrients that helps boost your holistic health. The superfood, being rich in fiber, potassium, vitamin B-6 and phytonutrients like flavonoids, help lowers the risk of heart diseases and also the presence of vital antioxidants keeps your arteries healthy and prevents heart attack. hence, you should consume it at least once a week. Although a lot of people don’t like the taste, if you cook it well, it can be extremely delicious.

Although the dark purple version of eggplants is best known, the shape, size, and color can vary from small and oblong to long and thin, and from shades of purple to white and green. Having grown in the forests of India first and then cultivated by China, eggplant as you commonly call, is the favorite of Middle East countries and are largely grown in Turkey, Italy and Japan. Aubergine as known in the western countries, this purple or light blue colored veggie is shiny with an oval or, elongated shape. Brinjal has many health benefits which makes it something you should try and eat at least once every week.

Health benefits of Brinjal

Heart health: The fiber, potassium, vitamin C, vitamin B6, and phytonutrient content in eggplants all support heart health.

Rich in Many Nutrients: Eggplants are a nutrient-dense food, meaning they contain a good amount of vitamins, minerals and fiber in few calories.

Brinjal Controls Diabetes: They have less carbohydrates and more fibre which helps in controlling blood sugar levels in the body by controlling the absorption of glucose from food.

Great for weight loss: Brinjals are great for weight loss as they are low in calories with 100g of the vegetable containing just 25 calories.

Brinjals are highly helpful in controlling blood pressure, high cholesterol and type 2 Diabetes. They improve the cardiovascular system. They are antiviral, antimicrobial and antimutogenic with the element of Chlorogenic acid in them.

Good for Brain: Containing rich amounts of phytonutrients, Brinjals can help protect your cell membranes. They are also known to boost memory function.

Boosts Memory: Include eggplants in your diet to sharpen your memory.

Liver health: Research has suggested that the antioxidants in eggplant may help protect the liver from certain toxins. Nutritional content

Brinjal helps prevent Cancer: Brinjal has Fibre which clear your digestive system and prevent colon cancer.

Promotes Bone Health: Eggplants contain good amounts of calcium, iron and phenolic compounds that help in making the bones stronger, increasing bone mineral density.

Giloy leaves, juice & branches for Dengue Treatment and Immunity Booster

Tuesday, 25 September 2018

What are health benefits of beetroot (Chukandar) Juice?

Beetroot is rich in vitamins, minerals and nutrients and it without doubt is a ‘super-food’. It is one of the many varieties of the genus Beta vulgaris, all of which are mostly grown for their edible taproots and leaves. Beetroots or beets belong to the Chenopodiaceous family and comes from a pigment called betanin which is often extracted to create natural food colouring and dyes. In addition to being an actual food item, beetroot is also a source of sucrose. Apart from being used as food, beetroot is also used as a medicinal plant and as a food colorant.

Amazing Health Benefits Of Beetroot Juice:

Helps lower blood pressure: Beetroot juice may help lower your blood pressure.

Helps Prevent Cancer: Beetroot extract might have the potential to prevent cancers of the breast and prostate.

Digestion and regularity: Because of its high fiber content, beetroot helps to prevent constipation and promote regularity for a healthy digestive tract.

Good For The Liver: The presence of calcium, betaine, B vitamins, iron, and antioxidants keeps beets amongst the best liver foods. Beets also thin the bile, allowing it to easily flow through the liver and small intestine – this further enhances liver health.

Good source of potassium: Beets are rich in potassium. Drinking beetroot juice in moderation can help keep your potassium levels optimal.

Boost Your Stamina: If you need a boost to make it through your next workout, beet juice may again prove valuable.

Healthy Eyes: Beta-carotene which is present in beetroot helps to prevent cataract which is a type of blindness that mostly afflicts old people. Thus, consumption of beet will help you to have healthy eyes.

Low in fat and calories: Although it has a high sugar content, it is low in calories and almost fat free. Since it is loaded with fiber it makes you full on lower calories.

Provides vitamin C: Beetroot juice is a good source of vitamin C. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps boost your immune system and protect cells from damaging free radicals.

Weight Loss: Beetroot is rich in fiber, which makes it one of the best weight loss foods.

How Kiwi helps recovering from dengue?

Saturday, 22 September 2018

Surprising Benefits of Pears for Human health

Pears are delicious and sweet pomaceous fruits, Its a mild, sweet fruit with a fibrous center. Pears are excellent sources of health promoting nutrients. They are rich in important antioxidants, flavonoids, and dietary fiber and pack all of these nutrients in a fat-free, cholesterol-free, 100-calorie package. Its a valuable fruits that have been widely used around the world.

Who doesn’t like those juicy and sweet pears specifically in summer time? They afford some much-needed relief with their fiber-rich succulence to get some chilly effect, especially for us.

Health Benefits of Pears

Fighting free radicals- Pears contain high levels of antioxidants, including vitamin C and K, and copper. These chemicals mop up free radicals, protecting our cells from the damage they can cause.

Increases Energy Levels- The high glucose content in pears gives you instant energy when you feel weak. It gets absorbed very quickly by the body and converts into energy.

Weight Loss- One of the complaints that some people have about various fruits is the calorie content, mainly derived from natural sugars

Boosts immune system- The high content of antioxidants like Vitamin C and Copper support the immune system to fight against various health harming diseases.

Cardiovascular disease- Increased fiber intake has also been shown to lower cholesterol levels. 

Controls blood sugar level- The fruit has low glycerine index and high fiber content which help to control sugar levels in blood and thus prevents diabetes. 

Improves Digestion- As a high-fiber food that provides essential nutrients, eating more pears is a great way to prevent or treat digestive issues.

Pears contain a fair amount of vitamins C, K, B2, B3, and B6.

Helps Fight Diabetes- Although pears and other fruits or vegetables contain natural sugars in the form of the fructose, higher fruit and vegetable intake is inversely associated with diabetes incidence, especially among women.

Improve Heart Health- One of the most noteworthy pear nutrition benefits? Higher fruit intake is linked with lower rates of heart disease.

Prevent Cancer- Antioxidants are primarily praised for their anti-carcinogenic activities, and pears have been connected to prevention of a number of different types of cancer, including colon, rectum, breast, prostate, and lung cancer.

Reduce Inflammation - The antioxidant and flavonoid components of pears can also induce anti-inflammatory effects in the body, reducing the pain associated with inflammation. This includes the reduction in symptoms of arthritis, rheumatic conditions, gout, and similar conditions.

Cardiovascular System

Monday, 17 September 2018

What are the amazing benefits of grapes for health?

Grapes are loaded with nutrients. Grapes come in different colors and forms. There are red, green, and purple grapes, seedless grapes, grape jelly, grape jam and grape juice, raisins, currents, and sultanas. Like other fruits and vegetables, grapes are a good source of fiber and water, and also provide many of the same health benefits of wine, without the alcohol.

Grapes are easily available in the markets throughout the year. These are not only pretty to look at and delicious with its sweet and taste, but are loaded with essential nutrients that work for the well-being of the body.

The many health benefits of grapes make them an excellent choice for a more satisfying, healthier diet. Fruit is an essential part of your diet, supplying essential vitamins and minerals that contribute to your overall health.

Top Benefits of Grapes:

Alzheimer’s disease:- Resveratrol content in grapes can reduce the levels of amyloidal-beta peptides in Alzheimer’s disease patients. Grapes can also enhance the health of your brain.

Good for the Eyes:- Grapes contain the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin, which can help maintain eye health. In this way, they may reduce oxidative stress and damage to the retina, and help prevent cataracts and other conditions.

High Source of Potassium
:- The nutritional grapes per 100 grams of the contains 191 mg of potassium. High intake of potassium and lowering sodium content can help your body in numerous ways.

Breast cancer
:- Purple coloured Concord grape juice can reduce the risk of breast cancer. Regular grape juice consumption has shown positive results when it comes to breast tumour mass reduction.

:- Grapes contain water and fiber. These can help people stay hydrated, keep bowel movements regular, and reduce the risk of constipation.

Power up Your Weight Loss:- Resveratrol found in grapes work on your body to assist you in your weight loss efforts. It also lowers the cells’ ability to store fat and causes fat cells to disintegrate.

Good for the Knees: -Grapes can help get relief from knee pain. Grapes are high on antioxidants, most important and beneficial one being polyphenols, which help in improving the flexibility and mobility of joints.

Unbelievable Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle

Thursday, 16 August 2018

Amazing Benefits of Eating Guava- Drug Today Medical Times

Guava leaves are just as medicinally useful as the nutritional powerhouse fruit they grow with.
They are oval in shape with light green or yellow skin. They are amazingly rich in antioxidants, vitamin C, potassium and fiber. This remarkable nutrient content gives them many health benefits.

  • Eating More Guava May Benefit the Digestive System.
  •  Improves Eyesight
  • Guavas Are Weight Loss Friendly
  • Healthy Mind
  • High Levels of Antioxidants in Guavas Can Have an Anti-Cancer Effect
  • Diabetes-Friendly
  • Regulation of Blood Pressure Levels
  • Eating Guavas May Be Good for Your Skin
  • Heart Healthy
  •  Guava juice is an effective remedy to treat dengue fever.

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