Showing posts with label cardiovascular system. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cardiovascular system. Show all posts

Thursday, 25 October 2018

What are green beans good for health?

Green beans are also known as string beans and are easily available in most grocery stores. Its a versatile vegetable that can be grown in many different climates, which has made them such a popular and globally recognized food. They appear in a wide array of cultural dishes and offer health benefits to people all around the World. Green beans are members of the common bean family, Phaseolus vulgaris, and are a popular part of diets around the world. There are slight variations in the shape in different areas of cultivation. There are approximately 150 varieties of green beans throughout the world that come in all shapes and colors, even purple! Despite the variable appearance of the beans, their nutritional content and health benefits remain similar.

Health Benefits of Green Beans

Vitamin C : Vitamin C is a great source of antioxidants which work well towards cutting down free radical reactions. 

Bone health: A low intake of vitamin K is associated with a higher risk of bone fracture. Adequate vitamin K consumption improves bone health by modifying bone matrix proteins, improving calcium absorption, and reducing urinary excretion of calcium.

Boost Immunity: The presence of various immune system-boosting antioxidants in green beans is well known, but as more research on their benefits is done, it is becoming clear that there are far more antioxidant properties than the ones widely known. Antioxidants are beneficial compounds in our body that seek out dangerous free radicals and eliminate them from our system before they can cause illness or tissue damage.

Add string beans to your diet to boost your intake of iron, an essential mineral. Your cardiovascular system needs iron to stay healthy, since the mineral makes up a part of hemoglobin, the protein that carries oxygen through your bloodstream.

Green beans help you maintain a healthy weight.

Green Beans for Energy: Green beans contains about twice the amount of iron as compared to spinach. Iron is a component of red blood cells which is essential to transport oxygen from the lungs to cells throughout the body. If you are struggling with anemia, dripping energies or low metabolism - then green beans is the magical food you need.

Green beans are also a good source of folates which are useful for cell division and DNA synthesis. Folate rich foods are also helpful for women during pre-conception period and pregnancy

Many Health Benefits of Dates

Tuesday, 23 October 2018

Amazing Health Benefits of Garlic For Human body

Garlic is a strong-smelling, pungent-tasting herb. Its scientific name is Allium sativum. Its belong from onion family and is native to Central Asia. An ancient medicinal plant, garlic commonly referred to as the magical herb, it is grown and imported all over the world, a native of central Asia was discovered approximately 3000 years ago. It is highly equipped with anti-bacterial properties. Not only is garlic a delicious aromatic that is used in cooking, but it also boosts your health. Garlic has been used as medicine for thousands of years by the Chinese, Egyptians, Babylonians, Greeks, and Romans.  A report in the Journal of Pharmaceutical Research suggested that while one clove per day may bring a vast improvement in your overall health, 2 to 3 cloves could prevent an attack of the common cold.

Surprising Health Benefits of Garlic

A natural herbal ingredient, garlic is an effective medication to alleviate stress levels, particularly symptoms of hypertension. Allicin, which is a major component of garlic, helps relax the blood vessels in the event of an increase in pressure. 

HIV Infection: In a cell-based study, diallyl disulfide in garlic inhibited cell growth and selectively killed HIV-infected immune cells.

Boosts Digestion: The herb assists in the normal functioning of the intestines for good digestion.

Garlic can help prevent almost all cardiovascular diseases. It helps to prevent cardiovascular diseases by lowering bad cholesterol, lipid, and serum triglyceride increase antioxidant activities, and decrease platelet aggregation. 

Allium vegetables, especially garlic and onions, and their bioactive sulfur compounds are believed to have effects at each stage of cancer formation and affect many biological processes that modify cancer risk.

Garlic is low in calories and rich in vitamin C, vitamin B6 and manganese. It also contains trace amounts of various other nutrients.

Consume 3-4 cloves of raw garlic to lower your blood sugar levels.

Garlic, in its raw form has been used since time immemorial as a means to treat common cold and cough. Consuming crushed cloves of fresh garlic has been proven to considerably lessen he severity of cold.

Impressive Health Benefits of Apricot

Thursday, 11 October 2018

Why is Jackfruit good for health?

Jackfruit is an exotic fruit grown in tropical regions of the world. It is native to South India. It is part of the Moraceae plant family, which also includes fig, mulberry and breadfruit. Jackfruit has a spiky outer skin and is green or yellow in color.

One unique aspect of jackfruit is its unusually large size. It is the largest tree fruit in the world and can reach up to 80 pounds (35 kg) in weight. Jackfruit is a huge tree that grows to as high as 30 meters, larger than mango, breadfruit, etc. It is believed to be indigenous to the Southwestern rain forests of India. It widely cultivated in the tropical regions of the Indian subcontinent, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and Brazil for its fruit, seeds, and wood.

Jackfruit has a subtle sweet and fruity flavor. It has been said to taste similar to a combination of fruits, including apples, pineapples, mangoes and bananas. The jackfruit fruit contains fleshy bulbs and starchy seeds, both of which are used as food.

Health Benefits of Jackfruit

Prevents Anaemia: Eating jackfruit seeds can give your daily nutrition an iron boost. Jackfruit seeds are a great source of iron which is a component of hemoglobin.

Jackfruit contains a wealth of antioxidants. Your body needs antioxidants to fight off the early signs of aging and strengthen your defense against common infections and diseases such as runny rose, cold, and flu.

Bone health: Jackfruit contains calcium, which strengthens and promotes healthy bone.

jackfruit is the best way to treat ulcer disorder because it contains powerful anti-ulcerative, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Cancer Treatment: Jackfruit is a powerhouse of phytonutrients like lignans, isoflavones, and even saponins. All of these are known to fight cancer

Cardiovascular system: One of the main causes for an unhealthy heart is the increased sodium levels in the body. Potassium deficiency can aggravate the condition as potassium is known to control the sodium levels in the body.

Good for your eyes: Jackfruit is a wonderful source of vitamin A, a nutrient that is essential for good eye health. This anti-oxidant improves vision and protects the eyes from free radicals.

Jackfruit seeds comprise high quality proteins which aids in building muscles.

Keeps thyroid healthy: Copper is vital for thyroid metabolism, especially for hormone production and absorption. Jackfruit is filled with this potent micro mineral and keeps your metabolism rate healthy.

Amazing Health Benefits of Potatoes

Monday, 8 October 2018

Surprising Health Benefits of Brinjal (Eggplants)

Brinjal, known as baingan in Hindi,Known as the King of Vegetables. Brinjal or Eggplant is extremely high on essential nutrients that helps boost your holistic health. The superfood, being rich in fiber, potassium, vitamin B-6 and phytonutrients like flavonoids, help lowers the risk of heart diseases and also the presence of vital antioxidants keeps your arteries healthy and prevents heart attack. hence, you should consume it at least once a week. Although a lot of people don’t like the taste, if you cook it well, it can be extremely delicious.

Although the dark purple version of eggplants is best known, the shape, size, and color can vary from small and oblong to long and thin, and from shades of purple to white and green. Having grown in the forests of India first and then cultivated by China, eggplant as you commonly call, is the favorite of Middle East countries and are largely grown in Turkey, Italy and Japan. Aubergine as known in the western countries, this purple or light blue colored veggie is shiny with an oval or, elongated shape. Brinjal has many health benefits which makes it something you should try and eat at least once every week.

Health benefits of Brinjal

Heart health: The fiber, potassium, vitamin C, vitamin B6, and phytonutrient content in eggplants all support heart health.

Rich in Many Nutrients: Eggplants are a nutrient-dense food, meaning they contain a good amount of vitamins, minerals and fiber in few calories.

Brinjal Controls Diabetes: They have less carbohydrates and more fibre which helps in controlling blood sugar levels in the body by controlling the absorption of glucose from food.

Great for weight loss: Brinjals are great for weight loss as they are low in calories with 100g of the vegetable containing just 25 calories.

Brinjals are highly helpful in controlling blood pressure, high cholesterol and type 2 Diabetes. They improve the cardiovascular system. They are antiviral, antimicrobial and antimutogenic with the element of Chlorogenic acid in them.

Good for Brain: Containing rich amounts of phytonutrients, Brinjals can help protect your cell membranes. They are also known to boost memory function.

Boosts Memory: Include eggplants in your diet to sharpen your memory.

Liver health: Research has suggested that the antioxidants in eggplant may help protect the liver from certain toxins. Nutritional content

Brinjal helps prevent Cancer: Brinjal has Fibre which clear your digestive system and prevent colon cancer.

Promotes Bone Health: Eggplants contain good amounts of calcium, iron and phenolic compounds that help in making the bones stronger, increasing bone mineral density.

Giloy leaves, juice & branches for Dengue Treatment and Immunity Booster

Saturday, 29 September 2018

Health Benefits Of Radishes (Mooli)

Radishes may not be the most popular vegetable in your garden, but they are one of the healthiest. Radishes are a root crop and are juicy, pungent, or sweet in taste. These undervalued root vegetables are packed with nutrients. They can be white, red, purple or black, and in terms of shape, they can be long and cylindrical or round. They are eaten raw, cooked or pickled. 

Radish or Raphanus sativus is a root vegetable belonging to the Brassicaceae family. It belongs to the family of cruciferous vegetables and, like other members of this family, contains characteristic oil which is the source of its pungent flavor. There are a number of different varieties of radishes around the world and they differ in size, colour and weight. There are various kinds of radishes with some growing in spring and summer, and some in winter. Daikon, the white variety most commonly found in India, is a spring-summer vegetable. 

Benefits Of Radish

High on Fiber: If you eat it as part of your daily salad intake, without going overboard of course, radish also provides your system with ample roughage and fibers, therefore improving your digestion.

Liver Health: Radishes are extremely good for the liver and stomach. They are powerful detoxifying agents and help purify blood and eradicate waste and toxins.

Digestion: Radishes are rich in fiber that adds considerable bulk to bowel movements, which promotes regular excretory patterns and relieves the symptoms of constipation.

Treats Cancer: Radishes are detoxifiers and are rich in vitamin C, folic acid, and anthocyanins, they have been connected to treating many types of cancer, particularly colon, kidney, intestinal, stomach, and oral cancer.

Helps in treating jaundice:  it helps to remove bilirubin and even regulates its production. Radish also helps to prevent the breakdown of red blood cells in people suffering from jaundice by increasing the supply of oxygen.

Improves Cardiovascular System: Radishes are a great source of anthocyanins, a type of flavonoids, which not only give color to radishes but also provide numerous health benefits. 

Controls Blood Pressure: Radish can help lower your blood pressure, and keep your blood flow in control, especially if you are known to suffer from hypertension. 

Helps you to lose weight: If you want to lose weight, you can include radishes in your diet as they are low in digestible carbohydrates.

Controls Diabetes: Radish is beneficial to diabetic patients. 

Good for your skin: Radish is good for your skin due to the presence of Vitamin C,  vitamin B , zinc and phosphorus. The water content in this vegetable helps to keep your skin moisturized.

Cardiovascular System

Tuesday, 11 September 2018

Amazing Benefits of Blackberries for Human Health

Blackberry plant has a biennial erect or partially erect stem with sharp spikes and dark green leaves with clusters of pinkish-white blossoms. Blackberries have a fragile and smooth skin with a greenish core which lengthens nearly to the base of the berry. Immature blackberries are generally red or green and hard to touch and they later turn into black, soft, juicy, and glossy fruits on ripening.

Blackberry is a delicious and versatile fruit. Health benefits of blackberry include better digestive health, strengthened immune defense, healthy functioning of the heart, prevention of cancer, and relief from endothelial dysfunction.

Health Benefits of Blackberry:
  • Antioxidant Potential: Blackberries contain a profuse amount of powerful antioxidants which protect the body in multiple ways.
  • The decent content of calcium found in blackberries contributes in strengthening the bones.
  • Good for the Cardiovascular System: The vitamin K in blackberries is important for the health of your entire cardiovascular system. 
  • Blackberries contain polyphenols, a class of antioxidants known for their cancer-fighting abilities. 
  • The high potassium content of blackberries helps reduce insulin. The daily consumption of blackberries with one teaspoon of honey helps control diabetes.
  • Blackberries is the Great source of vitamin K.
  • Eating berry fruits like blackberries may improve brain health and help prevent memory loss caused by aging.
  • Blackberries also contain vitamin A, which serves several functions in the body. Vitamin A supports the immune system, which combats infections and illness.
  • Blackberries are comprised of more than 85% water with an abundant dose of fiber.

Drug manufacturing companies

Monday, 13 August 2018

Eat green chillies daily for beauty and other unbelievable health benefits

Green Chillies boosting your metabolism, and can help you lose weight. They can also fight inflammation, treat stomach illnesses, and keep your heart healthy. They're also believed to prevent cancer and delay its progression. Some Amazing health benefits of Green Chillies-

1)      The capsaicin present in Green chilies releases the “feel good” endorphins and act as an anti-depressant which helps in keeping your mood positive.
2)      Protection against cancer: Green chillies are loaded with antioxidants that protect the body against free radicals by acting as natural scavengers. Green chillies can also keep prostate problems at bay.
3)      Green chillies also exert a number of beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system.
4)      Loaded with Vitamin C and beta-carotene, green chillies are great for healthy eyes, skin and immune system. Make sure to store the green chillies at a dark cool area because chillies lose their Vitamin C, when they are exposed to heat, light and air.
5)      If you eat green chillies, you don’t have to worry much about skipping sunscreen or staying outside for a bit too long because they help fight ageing of skin. There are two parts of human cells, transcription factors as they are called, that play a role in preventing cancer and keeping skin young.
6)      Green chillies are proven to balance blood sugar levels. If you are diabetic, this may be your answer to healthy diet.
7)      Green chillies are a natural source of iron, and a rich source for iron deficient people.
8)      If you’re trying to lose weight, you’ll have to burn fat. Green chillies can help you a lot in this. Capsaicin is a thermogenic, meaning that it increases your body’s ability to torch fat. It amps up your metabolism and the way your body uses proteins. Just by adding a few green chillies to your diet, you will find your metabolism working overtime and giving you desired results for weight loss.
9)      Green chillies have a lot of antibacterial properties and can help treat skin infections.
10)   Surprisingly, these green chilies are the finest source of Calcium and help to keep our teeth and bones healthy and strong. Additionally, it repairs the tissues and contributes to create new blood cells.
11)   Green chilies are known to make the hair healthy as it contains such natural silicon’s which not only improve the circulation of blood to the scalp but also to the hair follicles and protects the hair follicles by working as a growth stimulator. The Vitamin C present in these chilies absorb iron and provides oxygen to hair thereby prevention of split ends and hair breakage.
12)   Green chillies are rich in Vitamin K that help decrease your risk of osteoporosis and of bleeding dangerously when you are cut out or injured.

Tips for Maintaining Heart Health in India's Winter Season

  Tips for Maintaining Heart Health in India's Winter Season The winter season in India often brings challenging conditions, character...