Saturday, 17 November 2018

Amazing health benefits and uses of Cabbage

Cabbage is a round or oval leafy vegetable belonging to the Brassica family. It is made up of soft, light green or whitish inner leaves which are covered with harder and dark green outer leaves and grown annually. It is widely used throughout the world and can be prepared in a number of ways, but most commonly, it is included as either a cooked or raw part of many salads. Cabbage belongs to the group of cole crops, which means that it is closely related to broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts. Cabbage helps to overcome a number of health ailments resulting from deficiencies of Vitamin C, roughage and sulphur. There are hundreds of varieties of cabbage that can be found in different parts of the world. But recent research studies have found red-purple cabbage to be the most beneficial. They are used both in Eastern and Westen cuisines as they are rich in vitamins, iron nd potassium.

Impressive Health Benefits of Cabbage

Brain Health: The presence of vitamin K and anthocyanins within cabbage can give a strong boost to mental function and concentration.

Skin Care & Vitamin C: Cabbage is rich in antioxidants, including vitamin C, anthocyanins, and sulfur, since it is a cruciferous vegetable.

Takes care of your eyes: Cabbage is a good source of beta-carotene and, therefore, very good for your eyes. 

Heart health: The same potent anthocyanins in red cabbage that help protect against cancer have been shown to suppress the inflammation that may lead to cardiovascular disease.

Fights cancer: Consuming cruciferous vegetable like cabbage lowers risk of cancer as it contains sulforaphane.  

Hair Care: Cabbage, being rich in sulfur and silicon, helps in preventing dry hair.

Immunity and digestion: A popular way to consume cabbage is in a fermented form such as sauerkraut and kimchi. Chocked full of probiotics, fermented foods might be one of the best things you can consume for your immune and digestive systems.

Cabbage is a good source of soluble fiber and plant sterols.

Cabbage Is an Excellent Source of Vitamin K, Vitamin K is a collection of fat-soluble vitamins that plays many important roles in the body.

Improves Bones: Cabbage, as well as all cruciferous vegetables, are great sources of minerals, like calcium, magnesium, and potassium.

Impressive Health Benefits Of Cauliflowers

Friday, 16 November 2018

Why Muskmelon (Cantaloupe) Is Healthy for You!

Musk melon is also known for its high water content. Which means that it will help you in preventing dehydration, but being packed with water content doesn't imply that they’re short on other nutritional benefits. These are a powerhouse of health; they are loaded with so many nutrients that they almost seem like the superhero of fruits. They are abundantly available in the summers and have a super high percentage of water content in them making them cooling and hydrating. So as the summer approaches, know why you should eat more muskmelons. They not only have a delicious aroma but they also taste amazing. Their seeds contain many health benefits as well.

Health Benefits of Muskmelon (Kharbuja)

Healthy heart: Muskmelon is a good source of potassium that is good for heart problems.

Manages Hypertension: Being rich in potassium, the fruit helps in regulating blood pressure.

Helps control diabetes: Muskmelons help regulate the blood sugar levels thereby helping control diabetes.

It is also rich in antioxidant flavonoids such as beta-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, and cryptoxanthin.

Improves Skin Health: It is packed with skin-friendly collagen that helps keep the skin tissues tight and prevents it from withering. The vitamin C rich fruit also helps induce natural glow.

Eye Health: Muskmelon rich in vitamin A provide good healthy retina nerve tissues and beta-carotene prevent from Muscular degeneration that lead to loss of vision.

Treats ulcers: The high quantity of vitamin C helps in treatment and also prevention of ulcers.

Lung Health: Muskmelon is rich source of vitamin A, that help in avoiding certain breathing disorders and also maintain healthy lungs.

Boost immunity: Cantaloupe develops our immunity because of plenty of vitamin C. It stimulates the White Blood Cells to fight against virus, bacteria and infections.

What are the benefits of eating oranges daily?

Saturday, 3 November 2018

Sweet Potato (Shakarkandi): Health Benefits And Nutrition Facts

Sweet Potatoes, also known as yams, are tuberous crops with the scientific name Ipomoea batatas. The plant is a creeper with heart-shaped or lobed leaves. The red variety has drier and harder flesh while the white and yellow types have juicier flesh. The red variety has a characteristic aroma which becomes more prominent on boiling. The more reddish or orange the color of the flesh of the sweet potatoes, the stronger the aroma will be. Perhaps, this is due to the presence of beta-carotene, the concentration of which also increases with the color. The color of the tuber varies from purple or red to pale yellow or white, depending upon the variety, soil type, climate, and available minerals. They have a thin, brown skin on the outside with coloured flesh inside – most commonly orange in colour, but other varieties are white, purple or yellow. You can eat sweet potatoes whole or peeled, and the leaves of the plant are edible too.

Health Benefits of Sweet Potatoes

Stabilizes Blood Sugar: Sweet potatoes are an excellent dietary addition for those with diabetes as they have been shown to help reduce and regulate blood sugar levels.

Good for Weight Loss: Sweet potatoes are a good source of dietary fiber, which slows down digestion so you eat less. This also helps with regular bowel movements.

Eye health: In addition to boosting immunity, vitamin A is also integral to maintaining healthy vision. A deficiency of vitamin A can result in symptoms like dry eyes, night blindness, a buildup of keratin on the conjunctiva and even total vision loss in severe cases.

Relieve Asthma: Sweet potatoes are effective in curing congestion of the nose, bronchi, and lungs; thereby, giving relief from asthma.

Digestion and regularity: Because of its high fiber content, sweet potatoes help to prevent constipation and promote regularity for a healthy digestive tract.

Stomach ulcers: Sweet potatoes contain B-complex vitamins, Vitamin C, calcium, potassium and beta-carotene which help to effectively treat stomach ulcers.

Immune System: Sweet potatoes are excellent immune system boosters that defend your body from a wide variety of conditions. They are very rich in beta-carotene, which is a major antioxidant, along with vitamin C and B complex vitamins, iron, and phosphorus.

Vitamin A is also a critical vitamin for pregnancy. It is essential for the healthy development and maturation of lungs in particular.

Good source of energy: Sweet potatoes are known to contain important minerals like iron and magnesium that can increase our energy to perform our daily activities.

Reduce Arthritis Pain: Beta-carotene, magnesium, zinc, and vitamin B complex make sweet potatoes a highly important food source for managing arthritis. The water in which sweet potatoes are boiled can also be applied externally on joints to ease the associated pain of arthritis.

Amazing Health Benefits of Potatoes

Friday, 2 November 2018

Surprising Health Benefits Of Tamarind (Imli)

Tamarind is an amazing fruit with a sweet and tangy taste and is commonly called Imli in India. It has been used by several ancient civilizations and is a favourite fruit of many. It is used for culinary purposes and is used almost all over the world. It is a member of the Fabaceae family and its scientific name is Tamarindus indica. It grows on trees in pods and dries down from a green fruit. It is often considered a legume due to its pod-like growth. The tartness of this fruit is extremely delicious and its pulp can be eaten on its own with some added sugar and salt. Due to their sweet, robust flavor, tamarinds are common in candies, chutneys, jams, desserts, steak sauces and Worcestershire sauce. In addition to its high energy and fiber content, the tamarind is a great source of B-vitamins and a number of minerals. The tamarind is the fruit of a tall tree that grows in Asia and North Africa. Its pods are about five inches long and contain seeds and a pulp that become extremely sour when dried. It is native to tropical Africa and Southern Asia, but has been cultivated in India for so long that it is often assumed that it was native to the subcontinent.

Health Benefits of Tamarind:-

The pulp, leaves and flowers, in various combinations, are applied on painful and swollen joints.

Diabetes: Although there is limited research concerning the health benefits of tamarind for diabetes, tamarind has long been used as a natural and traditional medicine to treat diabetics..

Improves Nerve Function: One of the most significant vitamins in tamarind is the B complex. Thiamine, an important part of the vitamin B family, is found in high quantities within tamarind. Thiamine is responsible for improving nerve function, as well as muscle development, which can help you remain active, maintain your reflexes, and stay strong.

Nutrition Content: This food is an excellent source of vitamin B, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, iron, thiamine, phosphorus, riboflavin, and fiber.

Improved Eye Health: As an A vitamin, the supply of beta-carotene in tamarind helps ensure eye health and normal vision.

The red outer covering of the seed is an effective remedy against diarrhea and dysentery.

Heart health: Tamarind is great for your heart because it lowers blood cholesterol and blood pressure.

Tamarind fruit contains certain health benefiting essential volatile chemical compounds, minerals, vitamins and dietary fiber.

Tamarind is a house of antioxidants, vitamin C and A which help fight against the free radicals.

Carissa (Natal Plum)Nutrition and Health Benefits

Thursday, 1 November 2018

Carissa (Natal Plum)Nutrition and Health Benefits

Natal Plum (Carissa) is a shrub, climber, or small tree that can grow up to 20 feet tall and it is cultivated for its plum-like fruits. The berries are used mainly for processed products such as jellies, preserves, or syrup, but they are also eaten fresh. They contain a little more vitamin C than oranges, and are also a source for other vitamins, including Vitamin A and B.

Natal Plum is a common coastal bush as it can tolerate the salty winds well.Though it requires a warm, moist, tropical to subtropical climate it can grow in a variety of light and temperature conditions, from full sun to a fairly heavy shade. It is popularly grown as a landscape plant and a security hedge due to its dense foliage and 2 pronged stout spines that makes it impossible for animals and people to get past it.The plant has shiny, thick and leathery dark green leaves. It bears star shaped flowers the emit a sweet jasmine like scent which deepens at night. The flowers blooms for several months at a stretch though the plant fruits in summer and autumn or in autumn and winter in warmer climates. In coastal areas and moderate climates it can be seen fruiting the year round.

Natal Plum Nutrition and Health Benefits

It strengthens and tones stomach and keep stomach related problems away.

Roots contain salycylic acid and cardiac glycosides causing a slight decrease in blood pressure.

It is low in cholesterol, sodium free, and vitamin C, B1, B2, A, calcium, protein, iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, copper and is low in fat.

Diabetic ulcer: Paste of the root is applied over the diabetic ulcer.

It is known to prevent cells from damages, protects the teeth from decay and the gums from diseases.

It is favorable in reducing the blood sugar level and aids in curing Diabetes.

it is also good for the skin as it prevents pre-mature aging and offers other benefits as well because fruits contain powerful antioxidants.

Fever: Make Leave decoction of Carissa. Drink a cup of it twice a day.

It protects the heart from disease.

Internal bleeding: Eat 10 g ripe fruit of Carissa once a day. It helps to cure internal bleeding.

Amazing Health Benefits of Fenugreek

Tuesday, 30 October 2018

What are the benefits of eating Green Peas?

Green Peas are the tiny spherical seeds that rest inside the green seed-pod. It is widely cultivated in semi-tropical regions around the world. Peas or green peas, scientifically called as Pisum sativum. Green peas are seeds that come from a legume plant, but they are most often consumed as a starchy vegetable. Green peas are also known as ‘Matar’ in Hindi, ‘Batani’ in Telugu, ‘Pattani’ in Tamil, ‘Pacha Pattani’ in Malayalam, ‘Vatana’ in Gujarati, ‘Moator’ in Bengali, and ‘Mattar’ in Marathi.

They are not just tasty but also possess many nutrients that make them a compulsory ingredient in your vegetable diet. People often assume them as an inexpensive green vegetable growing on the peas plant, is an ingredient that is served or used for garnishing in cheap restaurants. 

Health Benefits Of Green Peas:

Weight Loss: Peas are a low fat and a low calorie food type. Hence, they are mostly included in vegetarian as well as non-vegetarian diets, due to the ease in managing the body weight.

Diabetes: Green peas have a few characteristics that are known to aid blood sugar control, which is an important factor in preventing and controlling diabetes.

Healthy bones: Just one cup of peas contain 44% of your Vitamin K which helps to anchor calcium inside the bones. It’s B vitamins also help to prevent osteoporosis.

Good for Eye health: Peas can also do wonders to your eyes. Peas are packed with carotenoid pigment lutein. Lutein is known to reduce the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration or loss of vision in old age. Peas can also boost eyesight. 

Good Source of Iron: Peas are a good source of iron. Iron deficiency is the leading cause of anaemia. If you don't have enough iron, your body can't make enough healthy oxygen-carrying red blood cells thereby causing haemoglobin deficiency.

Stomach Cancer: These tiny ingredients in your plate have the capacity to prevent dreadful diseases like stomach cancer.

Green peas are one of the most nutritious leguminous vegetables rich in health promoting phytonutrients, minerals, vitamins and antioxidants.

Vitamin Content: Peas benefit your immune system with antioxidant vitamins, especially if you eat them raw. A cup of raw peas has 58 milligrams of vitamin C, providing 65 percent of the daily requirement for men and 77 percent for women.

Boosts your Energy: Eating peas will increase your energy levels because of its richness in Iron. A cup of pea provides 3 milligram of Iron that works positively in transporting oxygen to the entirety of the body.

What are green beans good for health?

Monday, 29 October 2018

Wonderful Health Benefits of Lemon

Lemon i.e. Citrus Limon is a yellow oval-shaped fruit with high juicy acidic content in it. It has wide use in the culinary and non-culinary affairs of the world. The acidic juice of this fruit is made of 6% citric acid and is sour to taste. Lemon is divided into three parts- juice which is contained in the inner body, rind, and zest. Lemons have been a major food crop in Florida since the 16th century. Arguably one of the world's most widely consumed tropical fruits, lemons thrive in moderately warm and tropical climates. Fully grown plants bear fragrant white flowers, with thorns on the branches of some varieties. The  fruit is actually a modified berry with a resilient, leathery rind.

Health Benefits of Lemon:

Cancers: Lemon peels are essential for both the treatment, though a healthy lifestyle, and the prevention of cancer.

Lemon is an excellent and rich source of vitamin C, an essential nutrient that protects the body against immune system deficiencies

Use as a skin tonic : Lemon peels can be very lightly rubbed on your face for a nice skin tonic.

High Blood Pressure: Squeeze half a lemon into a glass of water and drink three to four times per day to lower your blood pressure. For best results, you can squeeze the lemon into a warm cup of water and drink it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.

It helps reducing pain and inflammation in joints and knees as it dissolves uric acid

White Teeth: After using the peels on the teeth, it is essential to rinse your mouth with fresh water.

Boosts Your Energy: Honey has amazing bacteria-killing properties. The boost of energy that honey can offer is yet another great health benefit of using honey.

Prevents Kidney Stones: Regular consumption of lemon juice mixed with water may increase the production of urinary citrate, a chemical in the urine that prevents the formation of crystals that may build up into kidney stones.

Top Health Benefits of Sweet Lime (Mosambi) Juice

Saturday, 27 October 2018

Are Mushrooms Good for You?

Mushroom have been a part of our diets for a long time.  It is found in many varieties. They belong to the fungi kingdom and contain a host of essential nutrients. The body of the mushroom is generally spread over a large area and is hardly noticed. The part of mushroom that we see is actually only the ‘fruit’ of the vegetable. 

Mushrooms are classified as vegetables in the food world, but they are not technically plants. Although they are not vegetables, mushrooms provide several important nutrients. Mushrooms come in lots of different shapes, sizes, and colors. The ones that aren’t toxic happen to be quite healthy, and tasty too.

Health benefits of mushrooms

Healthy Hair: Mushrooms are a good source of protein and promote healthy hair. 

Heart health: The fiber, potassium and vitamin C content in mushrooms all contribute to cardiovascular health. Potassium and sodium work together in the body to help regulate blood pressure. 

Treat Anemia: Anemic patients are characterized by having low levels of iron in their blood, resulting in fatigue, headaches, reduced neural function, and digestive issues

Improved nutrition: Adding more mushrooms to your diet may help improve diet quality.

Vitamins and Minerals: mushrooms are also good sources of selenium, an antioxidant mineral, as well as copper, niacin, potassium and phosphorous. Additionally, mushrooms provide protein, vitamin C and iron.

Healthy Skin: Eating healthy can be seen in the form of healthy and lustrous skin and hair. Mushrooms have many beneficial elements for hair and nails. 

Helps to fight cancer: Mushrooms are rich in anti-oxidants that fight against the harmful free radicals in our body.

Immunity: Selenium has also been found to improve immune response to infection by stimulating the production of killer T-cells.

Improve Bone Health: Mushrooms are a rich source of calcium, which is an essential nutrient in the formation and strengthening of bones.

Amazing Health Benefits of Lady Finger (Bhindi)

Friday, 26 October 2018

Top Health Benefits of Chilli

Red Chilli is considered as one of the best spices used in Kitchen. Chillies are used in cooking, pickles and chutney. Red chillies are used as dried as well as powder both in vegetarian and no-vegetarian cooking. Due to its universal use,  it is known as “the Queen of Spices”.

The chili is a member of the nightshade family Solanaceae. Chili are the fruits of the genus Capsicum plants.  Now it has become among the most in-demand commercial crops. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization Corporate Statistical Database or FAOSTAT, China currently produces roughly 33.2 million tons of fresh green Birds Eye chilies each year. Meanwhile, Peru is considered as the country with the most diverse cultivation of Capsicum plants. Chili are available throughout the year to add zest to flavorful dishes around the world and health to those brave enough to risk their fiery heat.

Health Benefits of Chilli

Vitamin A: Red chili are high in beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body.

Lose Weight: Capsaicin is thermogenic in nature, which helps to activate metabolism adipose layer of the body thereby helps to melt fat to a certain extent.

Chili are very high in vitamin C. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, important for wound healing and immune function.

Vitamin B6: A family of B-vitamins, some of which have important functions in energy metabolism.

Chili is also rich in folic acid. Folic acid aids in the production of red blood cells and fights anemia. 

Sound Sleep: Eating a chilli per day is helpful to stay sleep longer.

Chilies carry a good amount of minerals like potassium, manganese, iron, and magnesium. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure.

Relieves Joint Pain: Due to the powerful pain-relieving properties of the capsaicin from peppers, it can be applied to the skin to reduce the chemical P, the ingredient that carries pain messages to the brain.

Reduces Cancer Risk: It reduces the growth of prostate cancer cells, while leaving normal cells unharmed.

Research also shows consumption of large quantities of peppers effective against breast, pancreatic and bladder cancers. 

Eat green chillies daily for beauty and other unbelievable health benefits

Thursday, 25 October 2018

What are green beans good for health?

Green beans are also known as string beans and are easily available in most grocery stores. Its a versatile vegetable that can be grown in many different climates, which has made them such a popular and globally recognized food. They appear in a wide array of cultural dishes and offer health benefits to people all around the World. Green beans are members of the common bean family, Phaseolus vulgaris, and are a popular part of diets around the world. There are slight variations in the shape in different areas of cultivation. There are approximately 150 varieties of green beans throughout the world that come in all shapes and colors, even purple! Despite the variable appearance of the beans, their nutritional content and health benefits remain similar.

Health Benefits of Green Beans

Vitamin C : Vitamin C is a great source of antioxidants which work well towards cutting down free radical reactions. 

Bone health: A low intake of vitamin K is associated with a higher risk of bone fracture. Adequate vitamin K consumption improves bone health by modifying bone matrix proteins, improving calcium absorption, and reducing urinary excretion of calcium.

Boost Immunity: The presence of various immune system-boosting antioxidants in green beans is well known, but as more research on their benefits is done, it is becoming clear that there are far more antioxidant properties than the ones widely known. Antioxidants are beneficial compounds in our body that seek out dangerous free radicals and eliminate them from our system before they can cause illness or tissue damage.

Add string beans to your diet to boost your intake of iron, an essential mineral. Your cardiovascular system needs iron to stay healthy, since the mineral makes up a part of hemoglobin, the protein that carries oxygen through your bloodstream.

Green beans help you maintain a healthy weight.

Green Beans for Energy: Green beans contains about twice the amount of iron as compared to spinach. Iron is a component of red blood cells which is essential to transport oxygen from the lungs to cells throughout the body. If you are struggling with anemia, dripping energies or low metabolism - then green beans is the magical food you need.

Green beans are also a good source of folates which are useful for cell division and DNA synthesis. Folate rich foods are also helpful for women during pre-conception period and pregnancy

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