Saturday, 27 October 2018

Are Mushrooms Good for You?

Mushroom have been a part of our diets for a long time.  It is found in many varieties. They belong to the fungi kingdom and contain a host of essential nutrients. The body of the mushroom is generally spread over a large area and is hardly noticed. The part of mushroom that we see is actually only the ‘fruit’ of the vegetable. 

Mushrooms are classified as vegetables in the food world, but they are not technically plants. Although they are not vegetables, mushrooms provide several important nutrients. Mushrooms come in lots of different shapes, sizes, and colors. The ones that aren’t toxic happen to be quite healthy, and tasty too.

Health benefits of mushrooms

Healthy Hair: Mushrooms are a good source of protein and promote healthy hair. 

Heart health: The fiber, potassium and vitamin C content in mushrooms all contribute to cardiovascular health. Potassium and sodium work together in the body to help regulate blood pressure. 

Treat Anemia: Anemic patients are characterized by having low levels of iron in their blood, resulting in fatigue, headaches, reduced neural function, and digestive issues

Improved nutrition: Adding more mushrooms to your diet may help improve diet quality.

Vitamins and Minerals: mushrooms are also good sources of selenium, an antioxidant mineral, as well as copper, niacin, potassium and phosphorous. Additionally, mushrooms provide protein, vitamin C and iron.

Healthy Skin: Eating healthy can be seen in the form of healthy and lustrous skin and hair. Mushrooms have many beneficial elements for hair and nails. 

Helps to fight cancer: Mushrooms are rich in anti-oxidants that fight against the harmful free radicals in our body.

Immunity: Selenium has also been found to improve immune response to infection by stimulating the production of killer T-cells.

Improve Bone Health: Mushrooms are a rich source of calcium, which is an essential nutrient in the formation and strengthening of bones.

Amazing Health Benefits of Lady Finger (Bhindi)

Friday, 26 October 2018

Top Health Benefits of Chilli

Red Chilli is considered as one of the best spices used in Kitchen. Chillies are used in cooking, pickles and chutney. Red chillies are used as dried as well as powder both in vegetarian and no-vegetarian cooking. Due to its universal use,  it is known as “the Queen of Spices”.

The chili is a member of the nightshade family Solanaceae. Chili are the fruits of the genus Capsicum plants.  Now it has become among the most in-demand commercial crops. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization Corporate Statistical Database or FAOSTAT, China currently produces roughly 33.2 million tons of fresh green Birds Eye chilies each year. Meanwhile, Peru is considered as the country with the most diverse cultivation of Capsicum plants. Chili are available throughout the year to add zest to flavorful dishes around the world and health to those brave enough to risk their fiery heat.

Health Benefits of Chilli

Vitamin A: Red chili are high in beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body.

Lose Weight: Capsaicin is thermogenic in nature, which helps to activate metabolism adipose layer of the body thereby helps to melt fat to a certain extent.

Chili are very high in vitamin C. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, important for wound healing and immune function.

Vitamin B6: A family of B-vitamins, some of which have important functions in energy metabolism.

Chili is also rich in folic acid. Folic acid aids in the production of red blood cells and fights anemia. 

Sound Sleep: Eating a chilli per day is helpful to stay sleep longer.

Chilies carry a good amount of minerals like potassium, manganese, iron, and magnesium. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure.

Relieves Joint Pain: Due to the powerful pain-relieving properties of the capsaicin from peppers, it can be applied to the skin to reduce the chemical P, the ingredient that carries pain messages to the brain.

Reduces Cancer Risk: It reduces the growth of prostate cancer cells, while leaving normal cells unharmed.

Research also shows consumption of large quantities of peppers effective against breast, pancreatic and bladder cancers. 

Eat green chillies daily for beauty and other unbelievable health benefits

Thursday, 25 October 2018

What are green beans good for health?

Green beans are also known as string beans and are easily available in most grocery stores. Its a versatile vegetable that can be grown in many different climates, which has made them such a popular and globally recognized food. They appear in a wide array of cultural dishes and offer health benefits to people all around the World. Green beans are members of the common bean family, Phaseolus vulgaris, and are a popular part of diets around the world. There are slight variations in the shape in different areas of cultivation. There are approximately 150 varieties of green beans throughout the world that come in all shapes and colors, even purple! Despite the variable appearance of the beans, their nutritional content and health benefits remain similar.

Health Benefits of Green Beans

Vitamin C : Vitamin C is a great source of antioxidants which work well towards cutting down free radical reactions. 

Bone health: A low intake of vitamin K is associated with a higher risk of bone fracture. Adequate vitamin K consumption improves bone health by modifying bone matrix proteins, improving calcium absorption, and reducing urinary excretion of calcium.

Boost Immunity: The presence of various immune system-boosting antioxidants in green beans is well known, but as more research on their benefits is done, it is becoming clear that there are far more antioxidant properties than the ones widely known. Antioxidants are beneficial compounds in our body that seek out dangerous free radicals and eliminate them from our system before they can cause illness or tissue damage.

Add string beans to your diet to boost your intake of iron, an essential mineral. Your cardiovascular system needs iron to stay healthy, since the mineral makes up a part of hemoglobin, the protein that carries oxygen through your bloodstream.

Green beans help you maintain a healthy weight.

Green Beans for Energy: Green beans contains about twice the amount of iron as compared to spinach. Iron is a component of red blood cells which is essential to transport oxygen from the lungs to cells throughout the body. If you are struggling with anemia, dripping energies or low metabolism - then green beans is the magical food you need.

Green beans are also a good source of folates which are useful for cell division and DNA synthesis. Folate rich foods are also helpful for women during pre-conception period and pregnancy

Many Health Benefits of Dates

Wednesday, 24 October 2018

Many Health Benefits of Dates

Dates are the fruit of the date palm tree, which is grown in many tropical regions of the world. Dates have become quite popular in recent years.  scientifically known as Phoenix dactylifera. They are one of the best versatile foods. Date palm trees are cultivated all over the world especially across tropical regions. They can significantly boost energy levels in people within half an hour of consumption. 

The leaves of the date tree are 4 to 6 meters in length, with spines that have about 150 leaflets. Depending on the variety, fresh dates are fairly small in size and range in color from bright red to bright yellow. Medjool and Deglet Noor dates are the most commonly consumed varieties. Also popularly known as date palm (Khajoor/Khajur) in Hindi, ‘Tawarikh’ in Arabic and ‘Palmier’ in French.. It is a flowering plant species from the palm family. 

Health benefits of dates

Dates are very sweet — that’s because they contain a good amount of natural sugar in the form of glucose and fructose

Good Source of Energy: They are high in natural sugars like glucose, fructose, and sucrose. Many people around the world eat natural fat-free dates for a quick afternoon snack when they are feeling lethargic or sluggish.

Dates are high in fiber, which may be beneficial for preventing constipation and controlling blood sugar control.

Rich in vitamins: Dates contain vitamins such as B1, B2, B3 and B5, as well as A1 and C. Not only will it keep you healthy, there will be a noticeable change in your energy levels as well because dates contain natural sugars such as glucose, sucrose, and fructose, too.

As per a study, the date pulp extract stimulates the gastrointestinal transit activity and can aid in treating constipation 

The vitamins present in dates make it an ideal boost to nervous system health and functionality. Potassium is one of the prime ingredients in promoting a healthy and responsive nervous system, and it also improves the speed and alertness of the brain activity.

Apart from the fluorine that keeps your teeth healthy, dates also contain iron, which is highly recommended for those who suffer from iron deficiency.

Promotes digestion: If you soak a few dates in water and chew on them daily, your digestive system will behave itself very well.

Dates Benefits For Skin: Dates contain vitamins C and D that work on the skin elasticity. The fruits can also help combat skin issues.

Impressive Health Benefits of Apricot

Tuesday, 23 October 2018

Amazing Health Benefits of Garlic For Human body

Garlic is a strong-smelling, pungent-tasting herb. Its scientific name is Allium sativum. Its belong from onion family and is native to Central Asia. An ancient medicinal plant, garlic commonly referred to as the magical herb, it is grown and imported all over the world, a native of central Asia was discovered approximately 3000 years ago. It is highly equipped with anti-bacterial properties. Not only is garlic a delicious aromatic that is used in cooking, but it also boosts your health. Garlic has been used as medicine for thousands of years by the Chinese, Egyptians, Babylonians, Greeks, and Romans.  A report in the Journal of Pharmaceutical Research suggested that while one clove per day may bring a vast improvement in your overall health, 2 to 3 cloves could prevent an attack of the common cold.

Surprising Health Benefits of Garlic

A natural herbal ingredient, garlic is an effective medication to alleviate stress levels, particularly symptoms of hypertension. Allicin, which is a major component of garlic, helps relax the blood vessels in the event of an increase in pressure. 

HIV Infection: In a cell-based study, diallyl disulfide in garlic inhibited cell growth and selectively killed HIV-infected immune cells.

Boosts Digestion: The herb assists in the normal functioning of the intestines for good digestion.

Garlic can help prevent almost all cardiovascular diseases. It helps to prevent cardiovascular diseases by lowering bad cholesterol, lipid, and serum triglyceride increase antioxidant activities, and decrease platelet aggregation. 

Allium vegetables, especially garlic and onions, and their bioactive sulfur compounds are believed to have effects at each stage of cancer formation and affect many biological processes that modify cancer risk.

Garlic is low in calories and rich in vitamin C, vitamin B6 and manganese. It also contains trace amounts of various other nutrients.

Consume 3-4 cloves of raw garlic to lower your blood sugar levels.

Garlic, in its raw form has been used since time immemorial as a means to treat common cold and cough. Consuming crushed cloves of fresh garlic has been proven to considerably lessen he severity of cold.

Impressive Health Benefits of Apricot

Monday, 22 October 2018

Impressive Health Benefits of Apricot

Apricot, scientifically known as Prunus armeciaca, is a nutritious fruit belonging to the Rosacea family. Its scientific name is derived from Armenia.  Apricots are small, golden orange colored fruits that belong to the Rosaceae family of fruit trees. Apricots have a velvety skin and flesh. These fruits are not exremely succulent. The seed is also edible and is similar to almonds in taste and appearance.  Apricot is a small tree (8-12 m) and it bears a fruit which is a drupe. This drupe is also known as Apricot that has a color similar to that of a peach. Apricot grows in a tropical continental climate or Mediterranean regions where there is a winter season cold enough. It has a sweet or a tartaric taste.

Amazing Health Benefits of Apricot

Good Source of Vitamin A: Apricots are packed with Vitamin A, which is also known as retinol. It’s fat soluble, and helps in the enhancement of vision, among other things.

Anti-Cancer: Apricots are rich in antioxidants. The carotenoids and antioxidants protect our bodies from the dangerous free radicals and prevent the damage of cells.

Eye health: Foods rich in Vitamin A, C, carotenoids and beta-carotene can help reduce the risk of vision problems.

Strengthens Bones
: Apricots are rich in calcium and phosphorous that provides much-needed strength to your bones.

Good for the Skin: The combination of Vitamin C, A, and phytonutrients ensures good skin.

Heart Health: A high amount of vitamin C, as well as potassium and dietary fiber in apricots contribute to good cardiovascular health.

Fever: Apricot juice is believed to cure fever. Its soothing and anti-inflammatory properties affect the body’s overall temperature, curing fever.

Improves Digestive System: Apricots are rich in dietary fiber that swells in the intestinal tract to relief you from constipation.

Relieves Asthma: It can help to relieve pressure and stress on the lungs and respiratory system, thereby preventing asthma attacks,tuberculosis, and bronchitis.

Weight loss: This low calorie fruit will make an excellent addition to your weight loss regime.

Best Fruits and Vegetables for Better Vision and Healthy Eyes

Saturday, 20 October 2018

Amazing Health Benefits of Fenugreek

Fenugreek is an annual plant that is also known as methi in many places in the world. It is a member of the bean family and its scientific family name is Fabaceae. It is native to the Middle and Near East and is widely used in the Indian subcontinent. Fenugreek is an annual herb with light green leaves and small white flowers.  The fenugreek plant grows to about two to three feet tall, and the seed pods contain 10–20 small, flat, yellow-brown, pungent and aromatic seeds.

Fenugreek seeds have a somewhat bitter taste, similar to celery, maple syrup or burnt sugar, and are often used to make medicine. However, it has a far more pleasant taste when cooked. The graecum seeds, which are usually dried and ground, are the most widely used part of fenugreek. The leaves are often used in cooking as well. Fenugreek is also known as ‘Kasuri Methi’. It is a very ancient spice which is used for flavouring various dishes. These leaves are bitter in taste, when added to any recipe it will surely titillate your taste bud. In addition to taste, it has numerous nutritional values as well. Fenugreek leaves is a natural herb which works as a nutritional supplement. The reason why this herb is used by various herb lovers since ages is because it is very effective in battling diseases and also has numerous health benefits.

Health Benefits of Fenugreek

Good For Diabetes: Being rich in anti-diabetic elements, this spice can take care of the glucose metabolism in our system and can control and treat diabetes efficiently.

Skin Disease: The vitamins and the anti-oxidants of the fenugreek eliminate the toxins that are present in the pimples or boils. It also prevents Eczema. It is also help to eliminate the scars on the face.

Reduces risk of heart disease: Due to the presence of galactomannan, fenugreek plays a key role in maintain your heart health. It also contains high amount of potassium that counters the action of sodium to help control heart rate and blood pressure.

Lowers Cholesterol Level: Kasuri methi is known to cut down cholesterol levels and will be of immense help to people with lipid fluctuations.

Reduces Cardiovascular Risks: Fenugreek seeds contain 25% galactomannan which is a type of natural soluble fiber that helps prevent heart diseases.

Weight Reduction Property: It greatly helps in reducing fat and weight of the body if one eats the soaked methi seeds in morning on empty stomach.

Allergies: You should give up on the consumption of fenugreek leaves if you develop certain allergies like breathlessness, fainting, rashes, etc.

Treats Kidney Problems: Traditional Chinese medicine recommends the use of fenugreek for patients suffering from various kidney conditions.

Protects from Cancer: Studies have shown that the fibers in fenugreek may help prevent certain cancers.

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